• Elksourcing:6 Tips About Doing Business Internationally

    Here are 6 Tips About Doing Business Internationally I have learned from my 20-year work in China sourcing business: 1.) Be patient:It is critical to understand and appreciate cultural differences when you are doing business in a foreign country. This approach will be deeply appreciated by senior executives and members of large organizations such as governments. 2.) Socialize and enjoy:One of the best ways to earn trust and understand a foreign culture is to take the time to go to events with your foreign colleagues and associates. Not only will you meet other people that could open new doors, but also you will build a reputation in their community. 3.) Respect customs and try new things:When getting to know people and earning their trust it can be a great sign of respect to learn about their culture, and try things your new colleagues share with you. This can be anything from the…

    Shopify Tutorial 2021-04-04
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