• Elksourcing:Why Chinese Suppliers Ignore Your RFQ?

    It happens often, you, as a buyer, after hours or days searching on Alibaba, has found a promising Chinese supplier, and sent out a RFQ (Request For Quotation). The next day, and next few days, you check your mailbox but nothing happens, you have not heard back from the Chinese supplier at all. Why Chinese suppliers ignore your RFQ? When sending the RFQ, do you fall in below bad situations which quenching the fire of the supplier motivation? 1-  Wide-open RFQ shows you do not know what exactly you look for. These broad inquiries are heavy on generalities and low on specifics. If the supplier is responsible and not too busy, they may come back and ask the buyer questions, in hopes to nail down some specifications. Otherwise, the supplier simply puts your RFQ in low quality category and ignores it. 2- No indication of time frame. An indication of time frame…

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