• Elksourcing:Tips About Request For Quote to Chinese Suppliers

    After online searching and background check, you may want to make your initial contacts. Request For Quotation (RFQ) is thus a crucial step in your China sourcing program for ensuring the timeliness and quality of your production. Here are some tips that can help you set that tone with your manufacturers so that you are able to secure an accurate and professional quote. Be a Stickler for Details Make sure to be as detailed as possible with your product description. Even from the beginning stages of quote acquisition you should be very exact with your requirements. Usually a quote request should at least include the following details about your product: PicturesDimensionsMaterialsIntended usesOrder quantities Packaging requirementsDrawings – The more professional designs you can provide, the more serious your supplier will take your product. Knowing your product, industry, and production requirements is crucial. Suppliers may think you are submitting an RFQ with them just to get a…

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