• Product Packaging: How Top Brands Design Memorable Unboxing Experiences to Delight Their Customers

    This article is from Shopify, and was republished and shared through Elksourcing with the permission of Shopify.Original link:https://www.shopify.com/blog/ecommerce-packaging The market for ecommerce goods has changed drastically over the last decade. The demand for product packaging solutions to handle shipping and logistics, as well as to create a unique customer touchpoint, has grown alongside it, with a total market value of $61.55 billion dollars expected by 2025.  For ecommerce businesses, shipping and fulfillment represents the most direct touch point and connection with a customer. It also happens to be one of the most underused marketing opportunities. Packaging came out of a need to protect products during the shipping process, but focusing solely on function means you might be overlooking the potential marketing impact of your packaging. Done well, a branded packaging and unboxing experience is a chance to deliver a functional product and create a memorable moment for your customers. What is product packaging? Importance of product packaging…

    Shopify Tutorial 2021-04-30
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