• Elksourcing:5 Common Mistakes Made by Importers

    It is good for importers to read about best practices; however, it’s more important to learn the common mistakes made by importers. The followings are the most common mistakes. 1) Looking for the lowest price If you purchase something below market price, you are taking very high risks. Either quality will not be up to your standard, or you are about to get scammed. 2) Arranging shipment without quality inspection Once a production batch is on a boat, it’s too late. Verify quality yourself or pay for quality inspection services. You need to do it systematically, at least for the first 5 shipments, after that, you can do random skip-lot quality inspections. 3) Not keeping two weeks cushion for schedule There will be delays, with a certainty comprised between 30% and 90%. So, plan for it. Bonus: even worse than failing to plan for delays, is pushing the factory to reduce production…

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