• 10 Must Know Image Optimization Tips

    This article is from Shopify, and was republished and shared through Elksourcing with the permission of Shopify.Original link:https://www.shopify.com/blog/7412852-10-must-know-image-optimization-tips If you run an online store, image optimization is an art that you want to master. From attracting shoppers perusing Google images to reducing site load time, image optimization is an important part of building a successful ecommerce website, since your product photography is a cornerstone of your online store. What is image optimization? Image optimization is about reducing the file size of your images as much as possible without sacrificing quality so that your page load times remain low. It’s also about image SEO. That is, getting your product images and decorative images to rank on Google and other image search engines. Have the following questions ever left you scratching your head? Why is it that when I do a Google image search, my product photos never show up? Do I need to…

    Shopify Tutorial 2021-05-04
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