• 4 Checkout Conversion Killers That Drive Your Buyers Away

    This article is from Shopify, and was republished and shared through Elksourcing with the permission of Shopify. Original link:https://www.shopify.com/blog/ecommerce-checkout Few things are sadder than tuning into your analytics, excited to check out your sales numbers… and seeing data on thousands of abandoning customers. How did it come to this? I mean, there you are, spending countless hours of work designing, optimizing, and A/B testing your online store. You’d think it would be enough to ensure good conversion rates and steadily grow your customer base. But it isn’t. As you may know, over 60% of buyers leave their shopping carts without completing a purchase. And they won’t come back to complete the checkout unless you incentivize them to do so. That’s what most ecommerce brands try to do – win potential customers back. But in addition to that, what you must focus on is making it so they don’t want to leave in the first place. I want to show you some simple…

    Shopify Tutorial 2021-05-06
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