• The 21 Best Business Podcasts to Listen to in 2021

    This article is from Shopify, and was republished and shared through Elksourcing with the permission of Shopify. Original link:https://www.shopify.com/blog/business-podcasts Ask anyone at the top of their field how they got there or how they found success in business and chances are you’ll find overlapping patterns of hard work, long hours, and—perhaps most important—continual self-education. Experience, books, blog posts, and videos usually make up the curriculum of the self-taught entrepreneur, but podcasts offer their own distinct value: they let you listen, learn, and grow while you’re getting ready in the morning, going for a jog, driving around, or even working on your business. Some business podcasts are in-depth conversations with experts, recorded and released. Others take the form of audio documentaries that pull you in with captivating stories. There are a lot of options out there. That’s why we rounded up 21 of the best business podcasts for aspiring and established entrepreneurs, whether you’re looking…

    Shopify Tutorial 2021-05-07
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