Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) is an exclusive service provided by Amazon using which a seller can store their products in special warehouses of Amazon known as “fulfilment centres” and Amazon takes care of delivering their products to their final customers. Through FBA, you can relieve yourself with the responsibility of ensuring quick and reliable delivery of your products to your customers.

If you opt for FBA, Amazon will keep a track of your orders, pick the required product from the fulfilment centre, pack it and ship it right to your valuable customers. Moreover, Amazon will also provide a round-the-clock customer support regarding your products being delivered to your customers. This would ultimately help you increase the scale of your operations and widen your customer reach.

What benefits can you avail by FBA? Here are some of the key benefits you can avail if you opt for the FBA service of Amazon:

1) “Prime” Eligibility 

By choosing the FBA service of Amazon, you can make your products eligible for delivery for the Prime members of Amazon. This would facilitate your customers to get your products delivered to them using the exclusive two-day shipping and free shipping offers. All the products listed through FBA would be displayed on Amazon’s website with its signature Prime logo.

2) Trusted Service 

Amazon has garnered enough goodwill and trust in the online shopping market and you can make use of the same pertaining to your products. Amazon will also handle the return of your products effectively if your customers feel the need to do so according to their service and return policies.

3) Help Your Business Grow 

There is no limit for the number and type of products you can store with Amazon through FBA. This would not only ensure faster and more reliable delivery but would also help you in diversifying and growing your business enterprise ensuring high productivity.

4) Save Your Hard-earned Money

By choosing FBA, you will be charged for the storage space provided to you and the products shipped by Amazon as and when they are delivered. As all the shipping costs are included in your charges with no extra charge levied for Prime facilities, you can save decent money by going the FBA way.


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